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Why Is Lent So Important, Vol. 1
Jesse Romero M.A., Scott Hahn Ph.D., Archbishop Fulton Sheen
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Why The Ashes?
Jesse Romero, M.A.

The imposition of ashes is a solemn ritual that signals the beginning of the holy season of Lent.  Referring to common situations and using common sense along with his knowledge of the Church’s teachings and sacred Scripture, Jesse offers tips on teaching family and friends and even “nominal” Catholics that we may encounter who often ask us why we wear “those ashes” on our foreheads as the season of Lent begins.
The Seven Last Sayings of Jesus
Scott Hahn, Ph.D.

Spoken as He suffered the agony of the cross, the seven last sayings of Christ recorded in the Gospels have been the subject of prayer and inquiry by Christians for two thousand years.  In this revealing presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn unlocks for us the deeper significance of Our Lord’s last words.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Prepare to deepen your understanding of the effects of Sin on humanity, and why the Sacrament of Confession, including why the reasons why penances are ‘prescribed’; Sheen’s explanations of the different types of confessions, sorrows and contrition and much more.

(3 Talks)

Catholic Spirituality