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Fr. William Wagner
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Fr. William Wagner

Dr. Scott Hahn once wrote the following about this priest, “Come hear a wonderful priest and a good friend of many years, Fr. William Wagner, speak on a subject of great importance...”

As Catholics, we have the privilege of reflecting upon and honoring many of the Church’s most revered saints throughout the liturgical year.  We are at a very special time of the year where we transition from the “month of Mary” (that is, May) to the feast(s) of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary in August.

We’re kicking off this special time of the year with a most unique (and quite profound) audio set on Our Lady by Father William Wagner, ORC, a priest whom Dr. Scott Hahn has labeled as “one of the best minds I’ve ever met.”

Listen as Father shares insights on the Blessed Virgin Mary, like no one has before (yes, it’s a bold statement), integrating the best of philosophy, dogmatics and Sacred Scripture.  Think you know all there is to know about Our Lady? Think again!  Let Father Wagner help deepen your understanding and devotion to “Mary.”

(4 Talks)

Catholic Spirituality