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Shadow of His Wings
Fr. Gereon Goldmann, read by Frank Kelly, Ph.D.
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Now available as an audiobook!

A twenty-two-year-old German seminarian is drafted into Hitler’s SS; facing nazi hostility towards his religion, deadly military actions, and doubts from Church superiors, Gereon Goldmann nevertheless will pursue the Sacrament of Holy Orders - or die trying.

This is the true story of Gereon Goldmann and the incredible account of his experiences in answering God’s calling.

Drafted into the German army four years from ordination, Gereon crosses paths with Sister Solana May.  With unwavering faith and zeal she is convinced God will answer the prayers of her convent that Gereon will become a priest within the year. Goldmann embarks on a journey that can only be described as miraculous.

In the early 1960s, Fr. Gereon Karl Goldmann, a Franciscan stationed in Tokyo, felt moved by the Holy Spirit to write his autobiography. Who was this Father Goldmann, that the Japanese people knew only as a saintly priest?  He was a former officer in Hitler’s personal military force, the dreaded Nazi SS.  And therein lies a true story of faithful Catholicism in the midst of unbearable horrors that you don’t want to miss!

Powerful Testimony
After it’s publication in 1962, Fr. Goldmann’s autobiography became a Catholic Classic. Out of print for many years, Shadow of His Wings is a powerful testimony to the providence of God, the power of prayer, and the courage that comes from fidelity to the sacramental life. It is also a breath-taking, real-life adventure story.

Fr. Goldmann’s war experience spans the map of Europe during WWII, from Paris to Poland to the hellish Russian front. Though each ordeal was more brutal than the last, he remained rooted in his Catholic convictions, proclaiming the Catholic Faith to his German\Nazi countrymen with a bravery that could only come from Heaven.

“Web of Grace”
Father’s story imparts the importance of the proper formation of children. Goldmann’s father was a devout Catholic who continually taught him, “Always protect the little and the weak.” Gereron never forgot this, especially when showing mercy to suffering children as an invading German soldier.

Shadow of His Wings also reveals how persistent prayer forms a “web of grace” that binds together the body of Christ. A powerful example is Sister Solana, his childhood mentor. She secretly began praying for him daily to become a priest, offering her every sacrifice for this cause for twenty years. And how her prayer worked!  Gereon was ordained exactly twenty years later, though he was still a German soldier and had not finished seminary!

Do the Right Thing
From his devotion to the holy Eucharist and his childhood pledge to “do the right thing” despite all opposition, Gereon Goldmann received the wisdom to discern God’s Will—and the courage to carry it out. This was especially so when he was banished to the North African prison camps.

In these places “where Nazism reigned supreme”, Goldmann constructed chapels, preached 2,000 sermons, started a school of theology and even began Eucharistic adoration!  A powerful testimony of God’s providence and a thrilling true-life adventure, Shadow of His Wings makes a great gift — order today!

Discover the miraculous:
 » How God’s providence protects those who “follow where He leads”
 » How SS leader Himmler himself, unbelievably granted Goldmann permission to practice his Faith
 » How enduring prayer effects future events
 » How Gereon’s purity was protected from the outrageous command to “procreate for the Fatherland”
 » How “doing the right thing” overcomes all opposition
 » Why unconditional Christian love knows no national boundaries
 » How Gereon was assigned to Lourdes and Rome in fulfillment of Sister Solana’s prophecy
 » How he escaped execution after being caught in the plot to assasinate Hitler
 » How “God is more powerful than war”

(6 Talks)

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