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The Never Changing Face Of The Priesthood Bundle #2 (MP3)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Dr. Scott Hahn
Our Price: $69.90
MP3 Bundle Price: $31.95

We normally have 2-3 MP3 sets ‘in stock’ (MP3s replace physical CDs which are then not sold elsewhere), so please don’t delay in ordering!  —  Sold by Saint Joseph Media, partnered with Catholic Faith Formation

Called and Chosen: The Never Changing Face of the Priesthood by Archbishop Fulton Sheen
As he draws from his incredible grasp of Sacred Scripture, Church history, modern psychology, literature and pastoral experience, Sheen can be considered a contemporary prophet because of his ability to identify the looming problems threatening the Church, in particular those infecting the priesthood.   Let the firm conviction and compelling eloquence of this great shepherd of souls provide spiritual answers needed to counter vicious attacks against the priesthood and to dispel all confusion about this special calling!
A Biblical Theology Of The Covenant Priesthood by Dr. Scott Hahn
Dr. Hahn’s heartening message is both timeless and timely, and is guaranteed to instill renewed confidence in God’s fidelity.  But you’ll be especially encouraged as you listen to the enthusiastic response of Dr. Hahn’s audience – because it is composed entirely of Catholic priests!   As one priest who attended this series of talks remarked, “Although I’ve been a priest for thirty-five years now, I must say that until hearing these talks, I never really understood or appreciated the essential meaning and dignity of my vocation to the priesthood.”

(12 Talks in 1 MP3 Bundle)

Catholic Spirituality
Fr. William Casey