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Home  \  MP3 Bundles  \  Preparation For Spiritual Warfare bundle (MP3)
Preparation For Spiritual Warfare bundle (MP3)
Fr. Bill Casey, Dcn. Alex Jones, Fr. Clement Machado, Matthew Arnold
Our Price: $77.85
MP3 Bundle Price: $33.95

We normally have 2-3 MP3 sets ‘in stock’ (MP3s replace physical CDs which are then not sold elsewhere), so please don’t delay in ordering!  —  Sold by Saint Joseph Media, partnered with Catholic Faith Formation

An Exorcist Tells His Story
“This is a very important work. Every leader, clergy and lay, should hear it.  The ministry of exorcism badly needs to be restored and Fr. Amorth’s (audio)book is a significant contribution in this direction.” —Ralph Martin
Preparing For The Spiritual Battle
Father Casey and Deacon Jones reveal how you can and should tap into the infinite love of God, the power of prayer, the action of grace, the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and the essential role of the Blessed Virgin Mary to defeat the Evil One once and for all!
Demonology: Satan’s Role In Salvation History
In this much-needed series, Fr. Machado reminds us that the spiritual battle against our own sinful nature and the wiles of the Tempter is inseparable from the battle fought with prayer.

(11 Talks in 1 MP3 Bundle)

Catholic Spirituality
Fr. William Casey