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What Friendship with the Saints Means for Us Bundle #2 (MP3)
Joan Carroll Cruz, Msgr. JoseMaria Escriva
Our Price: $65.90
MP3 Bundle Price: $33.95

We normally have 2-3 MP3 sets ‘in stock’ (MP3s replace physical CDs which are then not sold elsewhere), so please don’t delay in ordering!  —  Sold by Saint Joseph Media, partnered with Catholic Faith Formation

The Incorruptibles with Joan Carroll Cruz
What do Saints Bernadette, Francis Xavier, Teresa of Avila and John Vianney (the CurĂ© of Ars) all have in common?  What does this mean for Catholics and belief in the Holy Bible and Sacred Tradition?  Besides their example of heroic sanctity, these great Saints are among those saints known as Incorruptibles, holy men and women whose bodies did not suffer decomposition for years, or even centuries, after death!
The Way with Msgr. Josemaria Escriva (read by Al Covaia)
In this informative audiobook, Msgr. Escriva offers insight into such topics as the holy Mass, the Rosary, Divine Mercy, the Will of God, Self Knowledge, Spiritual Reading and Eternal Life.  The concise concepts he reveals will help you to earnestly seek holiness in your daily life and will encourage you to grow ever more abundantly in love for God and neighbor.

(11 Talks in 1 MP3 Bundle)

Catholic Spirituality
Fr. William Casey