The Mystery of Suffering (MP3)Jeff Cavins
Our Price: $23.95
MP3 Price: $10.95
We normally have 2-3 MP3 sets ‘in stock’ (MP3s replace physical CDs which are then not sold elsewhere), so please don’t delay in ordering! — Sold By Catholic Faith Formation
The Mystery of Suffering (MP3)
Jeff Cavins
“If anyone wants to be a follower of Mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow Me.” —Luke 9:23
Discover How You Can Share in the Inner Life of the Blessed Trinity!
In this series, you’ll learn:
Why modern man has trouble seeing the hand of God in suffering
Why we cannot understand suffering without an understanding of Christ’s suffering
The failure of Adam and the challenge before us today
How Jesus demonstrated the love of God in His suffering
How our suffering changes once we are joined to Christ
The role of suffering in the Church today
How your suffering is beneficial to others
Practically speaking, how do you “offer it up”?
15 practical things to do in the midst of suffering
How suffering becomes joy.
(3 talks)
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