Sacrament of Mercy, Sacrament of Love (MP3)Fr. William Casey, Fr. Benedict Groeschel
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Sacrament of Mercy, Sacrament of Love (MP3)
Fr. William Casey, Fr. Benedict Groeschel
The Sacrament of God’s Mercy
This edifying series begins with Father William Casey speaking on Reconciliation, the “Forgotten Sacrament” of the Catholic Church. With his characteristic dry humor, Fr. Casey wonders about the small amount of penitents showing up for confession and the conversely large amount of communicants; Is it, he wonders, because we have a large amount of people ready for canonization? Or is it more likely that we have a large amount of sacrilegious communions?
Are You Committing Spiritual Suicide?
Father Casey reminds us that Reconciliation is the ordinary means for the forgiveness of mortal sins after baptism and a veritable treasury of graces and spiritual strength for us in our daily struggles against sin and temptation. But, tragically, many have long ago abandoned this sacrament and have come to deny the presence of sin. Even worse, many priests today shy away from telling people that sin is real and that hell exists. Father Casey proves that Christ preached repentance and sent his Apostles to preach that message of repentance.
Once we have reconciled ourselves with God, we are ready to enter into his presence. Father Casey explains and defends the Catholic doctrine of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Listen and learn how Jesus is ready to give you more graces than you ever thought possible, and how you and our Lord Jesus Christ together can accomplish more than you ever dreamed possible!
The Jewel of All Devotions
Father Benedict Groeschel takes up the theme as he delivers two stirring talks on Eucharistic adoration. In a presentation entitled The Supreme Catholic Devotion, Father gives an enlightening history of Eucharistic adoration and its practice and explains why it is the greatest of all Catholic devotions. You’ll be fascinated as Fr. Groeschel explains how the Church and the world can be transformed with the renewal and spread of devotion to Our Lord’s Eucharistic presence.
Discover how to use your time before the Blessed Sacrament for the honor and glory of God, to grow spiritually and to avoid distractions in Father Groeschel’s second talk, How the Supreme Devotion Calls Us to Holiness. With practicality and humor, Father gets down to the nuts and bolts of Eucharistic worship giving valuable suggestions for making the most of our time with Christ and offering ideas for readings and prayers before the Blessed Sacrament.
Let Fr. Bill Casey and Fr. Benedict Groeschel draw you deeply into the profound mystery of God. These talks will change your heart and give you endless food for thought as you pray in the Real Presence of Christ.
(4 talks)
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