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The Passover of Christ (MP3)
Br. Bob Fishman
Our Price: $23.95
MP3 Price: $10.95

We normally have 2-3 MP3 sets ‘in stock’ (MP3s replace physical CDs which are then not sold elsewhere), so please don’t delay in ordering!  —  Sold By Catholic Faith Formation
The Passover of Christ (MP3)
Br. Bob Fishman

A Jewish convert, Brother Bob Fishman has the unique ability to explain Christianity from a Jewish point of view.

This fascinating presentation includes a step-by-step walk through the actual Passover ritual; an intense recounting of Christ’s final Passover on the night of the Last Supper.

In this enlightening and stunning series, Br. Fishman offers a close examination of the Trial and Tribulations surrounding the Passover and Last Supper, leading to Our Lord’s Crucifixion and Death.

Re-charge your Catholic Faith and your love for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as you begin to comprehend the power of ritual in a whole new way!

(3 talks)

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